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Tools for webmasters

Joomla Plugin

This is a small development to include a pedigree in Joomla articles and pages. The plugin is developed version "1.5 native".


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Installation and configuration

The plugin installation is standard (in the admin control panel, Extensions menu, Install / Uninstall). Configure the settings in the admin panel.
Plugin parameters:
  • Server
  • Put the web server that is found in the address database. English-Setter: http://pedigree.setter-anglais.fr (the default when installing the plugin) korthals: http://pedigree.korthals-passion.com Small Blue Gascony http://pbg.tangor.net
  • Language
  • Language in which the pedigree will be generated on the site.
  • CSS
    Change the values ​​for the colors, borders, fonts, etc.. to change the formatting and presentation. The pedigree has the same graphical chart as the Joomla website.

  • Use

    In the article simply insert the tag with the parameter. Joomla loads andinserts the pedigree. The pedigree is inserted when the page is generated (when final user loads it) and not on its record. So the pedigree page is always up to date.

    {pedigree id="nnnn"} with nnnn is the identifier of the pedigree.
    Note: don't forget to write the quote around the identifier.


    In the database, we have the pedigree of a dog "Vérone". The page address appears in a web browser as:

    Pedigree identifier is 2520. To insert pedigree in the article, write:
    {pedigree id="2520"}

    When the article is displayed, Joomla replace the code by the complete dog pedigree page.

    Exemple du plugin Pedigree pour Joomla 1.5
    The exemple is [ here... ]